Library parking project completed

Voices for Seniors holiday cards


The parking project was nearly completed last month on schedule; waiting for poles, light fixtures and the installation of a gate that will close off the new lot when the library is closed. Also, landscaping will be completed when the weather permits. 

“We are excited that our new lot is open and that parking will be more accessible and convenient,” said library director Marcie Litjens. “This expanded parking lot has made using the library easier—stop in and check out all of the resources we have to offer and sign up for a free library card or renew your expired one.”

In October, the vinyl fencing around the perimeter was installed and the lot was graded, with drainage pools installed, as well as concrete work for the walkways and curbs. A new curb was installed off the Railroad Avenue entrance.

In November, curbs were finished and the existing catch basin was repaired before the binding layer of asphalt was placed down.

Also, the existing parking lot was seal coated and the top layer of asphalt and striping was done in the new lot.

A total of 13 bids were submitted for the Center Moriches Free Public Library parking lot expansion project, which were opened on Sept. 5. The library has since awarded the bid in the amount of $538,500 to Gatz Sitework and Landscape Construction Inc. 

The project was in response to an increase in community members utilizing the public library. The new area now includes 55 additional spots, with more handicapped parking. The new design also widened the existing stalls and created a pathway to walk through the lot.  

Last year, the Friends of the Center Moriches Free Public Library provided financial support to help the library purchase a piece of land adjacent to the building, located at 235 Montauk Highway. The land is located near the existing lot in the rear to be used to expand the parking lot.

The land was officially acquired last year by the Friends of The Library. The current budget for the lot is $700,000, which will include the new lot and redesigning the existing one. 

Additionally, Litjens said, the library was also awarded a NYS Construction Aid Grant of $225,000. The land for the parking area was acquired last year, and the Friends of the Library generously donated money towards the purchase.


The library is partnering with Sen. Dean Murray’s office to collect greeting cards for seniors.

“I’m thrilled to team with Voices for Seniors to collect and share holiday cards with seniors who are currently in nursing homes,” said Murray. “The holidays can be lonely for some, especially for those who are no longer in their own homes, so through this program, we want our seniors to know that they are certainly not forgotten and in fact, they are thought of often, they are valued, and they are loved.”

Cards can be handmade or store bought, and letters will be given to seniors living in nursing homes throughout the district. Children and teens can stop by and use provided supplies to create a card to brighten up the day of a senior. 

“The holidays can be lonely and isolating for some, and what a beautiful way to make someone feel acknowledged with a homemade card,” said Litjens of the event.

The last day for collection of the cards is Dec. 10. 


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